Segerforsens Grimar.

Segerforsens Gordon.

Segerforsens Goliat.


LP 1 LP 2 Segerforsens Glittrah.


Segerforsens Glimma.

Segerforsens Glimten i Ögat.

Segerforsens Girl Pat.



Segerforsens Gomez.

Segerforsens Grotte.




2010-06-08. Ôstersund BK LP 1 Segerforsens Glittrah.

1 prize, 1st in obedience class II with 165 points.

She got now also the title LP 2.


2010-05-23. Brunflo BK LP 1 Segerforsens Glittrah

obedinece class II 1st prize 1st with 167 points.


2010-05-22. Östersund BK. LP 1 Segerforsens Glittrah

obedience class II 1st prize 1st with 176 points.

Congratulations Sonja !


Segerforsens Glittrah and Sonja Mattson.

Östersund BK 28th of April obedience calss I

1st prize, 3rd wtih 174.65 points.